One Voice for Public Policy | July 2019

July’s edition of One Voice previews a few issues that will likely resurface during next year’s legislative session. The bulk of our time, however, will be spent looking at something much more hopeful and positive. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case this fall dealing directly with this question, “May the government, through its K-12 education funding policies, continue to show disfavor toward those parents who choose a religious school for their children?”

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Vision for our District: A focus for mission & ministry

MN South District (LCMS) President, Rev. Dr. Lucas V. Woodford, shares his vision statement for the District. Let all we do be framed by the following three-fold priority: love the Lord, love people, and love our Lutheran theology. President Woodford shares a brief summary of what each of these priorities means, and then expands on their biblical foundation with an exposition of the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.

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