Go First!
A District Initiative
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Redemption Lutheran Church | 927 East Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington
Submit a Session Proposal!
When you think of Go First! what do you see? Do you see yourself or your congregation leading others in a break-out session exploring a ministry that your congregation has found to be very helpful? Maybe you have discovered a resource for caring for others, an approach to children’s ministry, or a strategy for outreach to your community that you could share with others. You have the opportunity to encourage others through your insights and experience.
Click here to submit your Go First! Ministry Conference Session Proposal!
check back for more information on the 2025 Go First! Ministry Conference!
2024 had awesome speakers and sessions! Take a look to see a sample of what’s in store! 2024 sessions
We had a great time at the go first! ministry conference in 2024!
look at these photos!!
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Go First!
Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, the Holy Christian Church is bound together in a community of faith and love expressed in word and deed. Our life together acknowledges both the guilt and the shame of sin, where we sin and are sinned against. But the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. Life together centers upon the remission of sins won by Jesus and delivered to us through word and sacrament worship. Together we are discipled and then dispersed out into our daily vocations to serve our neighbor, love the Lord, encourage one another, and give witness to His mercy.
Christ has called us to be united as the body of Christ. We desire to complete each other rather than compete against each other. Collaboration, networking, and sharing allow us to more effectively unleash the potential of our congregations in the name of Jesus. Therefore we look for ways to engage with one another, to celebrate with one another, and to cooperate with one another for the good of God’s people, the growth of His kingdom, and the glory of Christ.
Throughout His ministry Jesus looked upon people with great compassion. He came not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. He cares for the hurting, loves the brokenhearted, and cleanses sin-ridden souls. By His shed blood, He removes guilt, puts away shame, and gives hope to lost and wounded souls. Therefore, the soul care we give is rooted in how our Lord Jesus Christ “Goes First!” to care for our souls to bring healing and forgiveness through His Word and sacrament.
Christ has called us to be light bearers and hope mongers in a broken and dysfunctional world. Through the daily vocations of life, we stand ready to reach out with the hope of Christ. Many long for a compassionate word, a welcoming smile, or a kind gesture. Extending the love of Christ in word and deed is a welcome relief for hurting and wondering souls. We extend the love of Christ to both the lost and the found, championing His sacrifice on Calvary for the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Introducing the “Go First!” Initiative
History shows that culture changing movements are often led by those willing to go first. That, of course, was the foundation of the New Testament Church. It was made up of those who were willing to go first. However, they were simply the first to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself was always ready to go first. Read more…
Understanding the “Go!” in “Go First!”
It’s based upon the Gospel joy that since Jesus goes first to the cross to win for us forgiveness, life, and salvation, we can trust Him. And because we trust Him, He inspires us to go first and inspire others in His name. To help us see how we can go first, look at when and where Jesus says “go.” Read more…
Go First! Life Together
Jesus calls Christians into a community of life together. That community is a part of the Holy Christian Church that we confess in the Apostles’ Creed. At the core of this life together is the message of the justification of humankind through the shed blood of Jesus. The local expression of this life together is most often seen by believers gathering for weekly worship with their congregation. The marks of these gatherings are the clear teaching and preaching of the Word of God and the faithful administration of the sacraments. Read more…
Go First! Soul Care
There are so many hurting and lost souls who need the compassion and healing of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Jesus went first for you, you are free to go first to care for the hurting and souls of this world—those who are “lost” as well as those already “found.” All souls are precious to our Lord. Read more…
Go First! Outreach
The Christian Church often talks about the importance of outreach. But what does outreach mean?
Intentional outreach is one of the four tenets of the MN South District Go First initiative. It’s acting upon the conviction that Christ has called us to be light bearers and hope mongers in a broken and dysfunctional world. Read more…
Go First! Collaboration
We live at a time when technology makes networking and collaborating easier than ever. Social media, instant messaging, email, and video chat makes planning for things like community outreach events, youth groups, or church meetings timelier and more efficient. Of course, technology is no replacement for incarnate ministry. Our Lord’s own incarnation teaches us that. But it does aid us in our incarnate ministry. Read more…
Go First! Christian Civic Responsibility
In a society that continues to propose and pass laws meant to implement immoral and unbiblical public policy, what is our responsibility as Christians? Read more…
Go First! With Resurrection Confidence
“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” (Luke 24:5b-7)
“Remember how he told you…” That’s what the angel invites us to do. Easter celebrates how Jesus triumphantly went from death to life. Easter revels in His relentless love, His glorious victory, and His resurrection power. Easter invites us to scream from the rooftops, Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia! Read more…
The Church Goes First:
By Word and Spirit
In a cultural context like ours, seemingly intent on spiritual suicide, intentionally deconstructing and dismantling human identity and purpose, it’s essential we keep our bearings. Doing so means we must stand upon the truth of God’s Word and rest in the power of His Holy Spirit. They are what allow us to confidently and boldly go first, speaking truth and acting in love. Read more…
Go First! Stand Firm
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself. Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved (Phil. 3:20-4:1).
Paul exhorts the Philippians to stand firm in the face of an unbelieving and deceiving world. He reminds them of their heavenly citizenship, while also championing the power of the one who fights for them—Jesus Christ—noting that He will one day change their mortal bodies into resurrected glorious bodies like His. It is the essence of Christian confidence still today. Read more…