Public Policy Advocacy

Learn more about issues concerning life (including abortion and physician-assisted suicide), marriage, family, sexuality, parental choice in education, and religious freedom.

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How will you prayerfully engage?

As Lutheran Christians, we have a dual citizenship in two kingdoms: 1) spiritual and 2) earthly. As we embrace our neighbors with acts of witness and mercy, we recognize the authority of the governments and rulers that have been set in place. Yet this balance can be tricky. What do we do when the government promotes lifestyles contrary to the Word of God? How do we respond when the government intrudes into the realm of the Church?

There are several District resources below that can help—and don’t forget that the LCMS also has an abundance of resources for navigating social issues, all available here.

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Reading recommendations

Click here to view the District public policy’s latest reading recommendations, including Strange New World, Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing, Live Not By Lies, Modern Fascism, and Moral Darwinism.


Get in touch with Public Policy Advocate Rev. Fred Hinz

Public Policy Advocate


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