Scholarships & Financial Aid



District Financial Aid

Student aid is available to communicant members of Minnesota South District congregations. Applicants shall be enrolled as a professional church worker student or be on the roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (graduate students).

  • Undergraduate course work must be taken at a college or seminary operated by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

  • Seminary students who are enrolled in residential or general SMP programs are eligible for the financial aid program administered under this policy.

  • EIIT students and SMP Church Planters qualify for financial assistance under the Mission policies of the District. 

  • Graduate students may be enrolled in a program outside of a college or seminary operated by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Programs must benefit the ministry of the LCMS and be approved by an MN South District staff member designated by the District President.

The amount of student aid to be provided will be determined on the basis of District policy and funds available.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications must be submitted by students to their Financial Aid Office by June 1st EACH YEAR. Financial Aid Offices must send all student applications to the Minnesota South District office by July 1st. Questions may be directed to Christina Krentz.



Colloquy Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to colloquy students on a first-come, first-served basis each year. Teachers and other ministry workers pursuing membership on the commissioned minister roster should complete the application below and return it to Christina Krentz.

Students should complete a new application for each colloquy class and submit the application three weeks prior to the start of each class.

Colloquy Financial Aid is only available for courses taken through CUEnet and are not eligible for District Financial Aid. Colloquy courses taken at a Concordia University are eligible for District Financial Aid only.



Other Financial Aid & Scholarship Opportunities

Non-District-sponsored financial aid and scholarship opportunities will be added below as the District becomes aware of them.

Students should also check with their congregation for potential additional scholarship aid opportunities.



Immanuel evangelical lutheran church of north minneapolis scholarship

The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of North Minneapolis Scholarship was established to provide financial awards to eligible candidates pursuing a career as a commissioned or ordained minister of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). It provides benefit to Lutheran students who are members of congregations within the MN South District of the LCMS.

Two - five awards between $5,000-$10,000 will be given for the 2025-2026 school year. Scholarship recipients will be determined by a Scholarship Committee of MN South District staff. Recipients of the scholarship award will be notified by one of our staff’s team members by May 15, 2025. Scholarship awards are sent directly by MN South District to the educational institution where the recipient will attend.


Eligible candidates for the scholarship should meet the following criteria:

1.     Candidates must be members of congregations within the Minnesota South District of the LCMS;

2.     Candidates must be in their third or fourth year of study at an undergraduate college or university of the LCMS, or enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program at an LCMS college, university or seminary. Candidates must be enrolled on a full-time basis, based upon the respective institutions definition of full-timestatus. Students are not eligible to apply for their vicarage year;

3.     Candidates must be pursuing a career as a commissioned or ordained minister of the LCMS;

4.     Candidates must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.

 Applicants and past recipients may reapply for these scholarships on an annual basis.


  1. Applicant Information;

  2. Current Transcript;

  3. Submit your District Financial Aid Form to your university/seminary Financial Aid Office;

  4. An essay describing why you are interested in a vocation as a commissioned/ordained minister of the LCMS;

  5. Community Service Resume;

  6. Letter of Recommendation;

  7. Applicant’s Signature.


The Immanuel Scholarship Application opens on February 15, 2025. The application process includes students submitting the District Financial Aid Form to their Financial Aid Office by the application deadline - April 1, 2025. Questions may be directed to Christina Krentz.


2024 Scholarship Awardees

  • Julia Aarsvold, who is in the Lutheran Classroom teacher program at Concordia University St. Paul. Home congregation - Immanuel Lutheran Church, Plainview (Rev. J. Philipp Augustine)

  • Joshua Bergt, who is studying to be a Lutheran High School teacher at Concordia University Nebraska. Home congregation - Immanuel Lutheran Church, Fairmont (Rev. Wade Daul)

  • Wesley Deiss, studying at Concordia Theological Seminary Ft. Wayne. Home congregation - Trinity Lutheran Church, Farmington (Rev. Christian Einertson)

  • Meseret Gobena, studying at Concordia Seminary St. Louis. Home congregation - Evangelical Mekane Yesus Church Fellowship in Minnesota, St. Paul (Rev. Hailu Gorobo)

    Each student will receive $6,875 through their university/seminary.

    • Sofia Sandcork, Lewiston, Minnesota (Lutheran classroom teacher student at Concordia University-St. Paul) & member at Immanuel, Lewiston (Rev. Bert Mueller)

    • Joshua Bergt, Fairmont, Minnesota (Lutheran High school teacher student at Concordia University-Nebraska) & member at Immanuel, Fairmont (Rev. Wade Daul)

    • Adane Erjabo, Mound, MN (MDiv St. Louis Seminary) & member at Peniel Evangelical Church, Eagan (Rev. Demeke Botamo Ture)

      Each of the awardees received $7,834.42 towards their education for the 2023-2024 school year.



lcef take heart scholarship 2025

The Take Heart Scholarship is developed for high school seniors who will soon be entering higher education. Students who have an LCEF Young Investors Steward Account have the opportunity of financial support through the Take Heart Scholarship.  Three awards of $3,000, $1,000 and $500 will be granted. The application window closes on May 1, 2025 and winners will be announced on May 30, 2025. Read more about it at