It is not by our own reason or strength that we come to a saving faith—as the explanation of the Third Article in the Small Catechism so boldly states. It is only by the Helper—the Holy Spirit—that we are reborn to faith through baptism and the Gospel. By grace alone, we rest on the reason and strength of Christ alone.
Read MoreThe 2019-20 Chapel Talks and National Lutheran Schools Week (NLSW) resources are now available for free online to all LCMS schools!
Read MoreThe parish nurses group met April 26 for engaging discussion about end-of-life issues like physician-assisted suicide—guided in discussion by Public Policy Advocate Rev. Fred Hinz. Their next meeting is October 31.
Read MoreTruth is being eroded in our culture. This month, let’s look at why it can be so hard to nail down the truth today—and How the Holy Spirit speaks truth to us every day.
Read MorePro-Life Action Ministries organized their largest-ever solemn Good Friday vigil at the St. Paul Planned Parenthood on April 19. An estimated 3,800 individuals attended throughout the day, including some from our Minnesota South District.
Read MoreThis is a special edition of One Voice. Because of the crucial nature of the following tax bill proposal, we will focus on it exclusively. If the bill passes, it will be a big win for our schools—significantly enhancing the financial ability of parents to send their children to the school of their choice.
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