Last week was a good week in our efforts to encourage Minnesota legislators to provide greater parental choice as they consider what type of school is best for their child(ren)...
Read MoreFriends in Christ,
I write to keep you informed of the current happenings at the Minnesota Legislature with respect to education issues in general and the specific proposals that we are advancing via the new statewide parental choice advocacy network known as OAK (Opportunity for All Kids)...
Read MoreIn the summer of 2013, Pastor Tom Braun was called to Our Savior, Mankato to plant a new church, River of Life Lutheran, in St. Peter, a town of 11,000 on the Minnesota River and home to Gustavus Adolphus College...
Read More“The Church’s place in our culture has changed dramatically!”
A statement like that, of course, comes as no surprise to anyone. Everyone knows that while the influence of the church in public life was once nearly universally regarded as a necessary and good thing, that influence is now suspect, and indeed, many now seem dedicated to removing the church’s influence entirely...
Read MoreOpportunity for All Kids (OAK) hosted a gathering of religious, non-religious, private and independent school leaders on Tuesday, January 27 at St. Croix Lutheran High School. Approximately 75 leaders from a variety of schools across Minnesota attended this event...
Read MoreLINC-Twin Cities is hosting "A Taste of Ethnic Ministries" on Saturday, May 2 from 5-8PM at Our Saviour's, St. Paul. This event is a fundraiser to send women from our ethnic congregations to the national LWML convention in June and will feature a multi-cultural worship service, food from around the world and guest speakers...
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