Talking Points with Pastor Lucas - The Name of Jesus
“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21
How do you identify a famous person? What do they need to be known by others? Said another way, what one thing makes them be known wide and far? What is it? They need a name. Without a name their fame won’t stick.
Without names history would be lost, events would be changed, and learning would suffer. Without names we’d get things like: “In 1492 some guy sailed the ocean blue.” Instead of The Washington Monument we would have the “Pointy Brick Monument.” Instead of The Lincoln Memorial we would have “The Sitting Guy Memorial.” And instead of Mozart Hall we would have “Musically Talented Guy Hall.”
Names are important. They carry meaning. They give identity, designate reputation, and define accomplishments, achievements, shame, and fame. In fact, names can evoke such power, emotion, and meaning that they move people to action. Consider just a few: Walt Disney World (vacation here we come!); Martin Luther King Jr. (inspiration and Civil Rights champion); Osama Bin Laden (terrorist extraordinaire). Names carry emotion. They carry power.
The name of our Savior is no different. “Jesus” is Yeshua in the Hebrew, which when put into English is Joshua. Joshua means the Lord saves—hence “you shall call His name Jesus, for he will save His people from their sins.” However, Jesus is also called Immanuel. The Bible gives us the meaning of this name—God with us. Yet Jesus is also called “the Christ,” which means the anointed one.
That Jesus had multiple names is not too odd. Many people have first, middle, and last names. In fact, many people are named after others in order to carry on a name’s sake. Thus, the many names of Jesus are not unusual. However, what is extraordinary about His names is their divine meaning and how they point to what He would do. Jesus Christ, Immanuel—said another way, “God is with us; His anointed one saves.”
This is comforting, particularly if you consider all the hurtful names we have been called or all the hurtful names we have called others. You know the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” It isn’t true, is it? And the saying, “I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” Well, that doesn’t work so well either, does it? “Four eyes, fatso, metal mouth, weirdo, and loser”— these are just a few of the PG names kids have used. They destroy us inside. The R rated names I can’t say, but we all know how bad they hurt and how easy they can roll off the tongue. They are brutal.
The name of Jesus Christ is far more powerful. Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit means one has the name of Jesus Christ upon them. There is no getting around it; when you are baptized, His name is upon you! By this name, He binds up the broken hearted and forgives the sinner. By this name hope is given. You now go by names like Beloved; Precious; Baptized; Child of God. That’s you! As His children, we call upon Jesus’ name in every trouble. By His name we pray, praise, and give thanks.
Jesus - by no other name is salvation found. His name is Immanuel because He is God with us. He comes to us as a baby born in a stable; teaches us throughout His ministry on earth; and then completes His earthly mission through His crucifixion, death, and resurrection from the dead. His name goes out as Savior of the world. It is the name we confess to others who ask us for a reason for the hope we have or the “reason for the season.” His name is Jesus because He saves us from our sins. Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Merry Christmas!
Rev. Dr. Lucas V. Woodford
MNS District President, LCMS