One Voice for Public Policy - Urge to Vote!


Friends in Christ - especially pastors,

 In all your busyness during this season, allow me just a few brief words of encouragement.

We are, of course, closing in on a significant election on Tuesday of next week. Regarding the specific issues in this election, I’ve written you more than once. So, rather than reiterate those issues, I simply want to urge you to urge your people to fulfill their baptismal calling of caring for their neighbor: first by including our nation, our State and our communities in their prayers; and, secondly, by engaging in the electoral process - that is, by voting. As this is an election in which the fundamental right of religious liberty will, very likely, be impacted for years to come, it behooves us to make good use of our citizenship both for the benefit of the Gospel and the good of our neighbor.

If people are still uncertain about where various candidates stand on the issues to which the church speaks, you might want to direct them to the Church Ambassador Network, Election 2022 Tool Kit or to the Lutheran Voter Information Guide on the Minnesota South District website.

 The Lord’s continued blessings on your ministry.

In Christ,
Rev. Fred Hinz