Forward in Faith: Fall 2020 Engaged in Mission magazine

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The fall 2020 issue of Engaged in Mission magazine is now available! The theme for this issue is “Forward in Faith,” sharing stories of how the Church continues to minister to the faithful even amid temptations toward fear and misbelief.

Read it online or click here to request to be added to the (free!) mailing list.

Here’s a sneak peak at the stories featured in this issue:

  • Three different approaches that three different churches took regarding vacation Bible school this summer

  • Thoughts from two directors of Christian education (DCEs) on how the pandemic is affecting youth ministry and ministry as a whole

  • A book recommendation for your upcoming Bible studies: Spiritually Vibrant Homes

  • Tips for engaging with social media as a church or school

  • Livestreaming best practices—both from a church that has been livestreaming for years and from a church that just started livestreaming this year due to the pandemic

  • Insight into what it’s like to be a pastor of a multi-parish congregation—and what the church members learn from the experience, too

  • Plus, you won’t want to miss the stories of God’s work from our awesome District missionaries—who you help support!

Past issues are available online here.

Note that due to a clerical error, the magazine issue you received in the mail may have the incorrect name listed. We are working to correct this error for the winter issue.
