To All Generations October Update


In our last update, we talked about changes to the granting process. Since then, we've had the opportunity to share that process with leaders and hear about innovative ideas in Christian education at our Ideation Summit. You can watch videos from that event here.

Our first grant deadline is October 26.
Click here to apply for a grant.

Message from Rev. Dr. Robert and Dr. Lynn Gehrke, Campaign Chairs
“Now that God has today so graciously bestowed upon us an abundance of arts, scholars, and books, it is time to reap and gather in the best as well as we can, and lay up treasure in order to preserve for the future something from these years of jubilee, and not lose this bountiful harvest.”
Martin Luther, To the Councilmen of All Cities in Germany that they Establish and Maintain Christian Schools (AE, vol. 45, p. 347-378)
The LCMS was certainly founded with an emphasis on education. In some places, a school was planted before a congregation was. Just as in Luther’s day and in those early days of the LCMS, we have the opportunity to use the abundance of God’s first article gifts in educating God’s people, both old and young.
We live in a culture that challenges and opposes the One who is the source and sustainer of these gifts, which can cause tension and fear. Because of this reality, it is most important that, as stewards of these gifts, we refocus our energy and resources into enhancing Christian education in our district.
We do not need to be tense or afraid because our God never stops teaching us through His Holy Word. This teaching Word prepares us for life on the mission field. In Deuteronomy 6:6-7, our God encourages us to educate:
“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” 
The To All Generations appeal is designed to encourage our renewed focus on Christian education. Please pray about how you and your congregation can get involved. May God richly bless our efforts to disciple the saved and reach out to the lost!

Other Ways to Get Involved

  • Attend the second or third set of area information meetings (November 13-16, 2017 & January 8-11, 2018 or March 5-8, 2018 & April 9-12, 2018).

  • Commit to giving your congregation members and school community the opportunity at least learn about the campaign, and if willing, to make a gift or pledge to this campaign above and beyond normal congregation giving.

  • Pray for the people of God to be generous stewards and give them opportunities to support this campaign.

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