Prayers of the Month

Gracious Lord, remind me often of Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians, chapter one. Help me realize that You love to do significant things through insignificant people so that Your name might be praised and people would come to faith in Jesus, the author and Perfecter of faith. Keep my eyes open to notice and encourage Christians who are stretching themselves to help others and demonstrate their faith in You. Bless the pastors and congregations of the Minnesota South District. Let our witness and the faith we have placed in You cause a revival of faith in the Twin Cities and throughout our state.  In Jesus’ Name we ask it.  Amen.

Almighty and ever loving God, the comfort and the rescue of the worried, and the strength of the suffering: let the prayers of all who cry out to you because they are bent low under the scourge of the Ebola epidemic be mercifully heard by You, so that every soul that is distressed receives mercy, healing, and peace; for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

O almighty God, the source of all goodness, please bless our nation as we vote for those who will be in positions of power and authority in this country.  Have mercy upon us so that we have the leadership we need and not the leadership we deserve.  We pray for good and godly leaders, dear Lord.  Men and women who will do what is right in Your sight and best for the people they serve.  Raise up leaders like this, gracious Father, and frustrate and remove all who are not like this.  In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.

For a complete listing of monthly prayer requests, please click here.

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