Prayers of the Month

Lord Jesus, as another new school year unfolds, we pray that all Christian students, teachers, and administrators would be winsome, compelling, and effective witnesses of your love to the people they learn alongside of, teach, and lead. May our words and actions move others to ask us about You. As the source of, and power behind, all our good works, we pray that many are drawn to You by our words and example. 

Gracious Lord, help us to lead bold and courageous lives of Christian witness before the post-modern, post-Christian, and post-Christendom culture that surrounds us. 

Lord of the Church, as we welcome new pastors and vicars to the congregations of our Minnesota South District, we ask You to bless them and their families, that they might adapt well to their congregations and communities. Fill them with compassion for the hurting, passion for the lost, and love for Your people. Use them, together with all the pastors and congregations of our District to bring the Good News of Jesus to all within our communities so that more people will become Your disciples to the glory of Your name!

For a complete listing of monthly prayer requests, please click here.

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