Prayers of the Month

Dearest Jesus, forgive us for the times we do not take You, Your Word, Your suffering, Your death, Your resurrection, and Your mission seriously enough.  All that You did is for us and for our salvation and we too often too narrowly define who “us” and “our” actually is.  Too often we keep You and Your Good News to ourselves.  Too often we try to limit others’ access to You.  Too often we forget that Your Church is for everyone.  Too often we behave as though it is up to us to protect You from the “unwashed” masses.  Too often we get too possessive and come to believe that Your Church is actually “our” Church to do with as we please… So help us, dear Lord, to realize ever anew and ever afresh that it is by Your amazing grace that we are sought and saved and sanctified, so that we do not get in the way of that same amazing grace touching and eternally changing others—even the “least of these,” for whom You died.  In Your precious Name we beg for Your needed help.  Amen.

Glorious Lord we thank and praise and serve and obey You because You first loved us.  Help us to thank and praise and serve and obey You, over the coming holidays, in winsome and compelling ways that lead others to ask us about our hope in, and our relationship with, You.  In the Name of Jesus we ask it.  Amen.

We give thanks, gracious Lord, for all Your blessings sent to us in the past year.  We thank You, especially, for Your Gospel which makes us new every day, and because of which we truly are rich people. Amen.

For a complete listing of monthly prayer requests, please click here.

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