Treasurer/Business Manager Needed | Burnsville

The Minnesota South District is seeking a person to fill the position of Treasurer/Business Manager. 

A qualified candidate will have a specific skill set to fulfill the role. The full job description is below.  You will note that one of the requirements for the new hire is to be a member of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod and be supportive of the mission of the Minnesota South District, a very unique qualifier.

How can you help? Simply put, if you know of anyone who has the qualifications to meet the requirements of the position and is mission-minded, please share the job description with them. You may have colleagues or know of someone with this skill set who would use their vocation as a means to further the work of God’s kingdom!

Interviews will begin as soon as possible with the start date of the position in the new year.

Supplemental Information
Job Description: MN South Treasurer/Business Manager
Minnesota South District Employment Application
