All pastors and lay members of congregations in rural communities are invited to a one-day event where they will intentionally develop and cultivate corporate habits that reflect Christ's care and concern in the congregation and community. Plenary and breakout sessions will cover
"Do nothing quickly . . . but do something" with Rev. Timothy Koch
"Re-engaging engagement: Media, Ministry, and Community" with Rev. Dr. Jacob Bobby
"In order to keep your church open, you need to be willing to close it" with Rev. Bret Bierman
"Idolatry in small places: The spiritual barriers to witness when everyone knows your name" with Rev. Samuel Bobby
"Growing in small places" with Katie Koplin
The seminar will be available on the Rural Field Seminar Facebook page. Or make the trip to St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Aberdeen, SD, for the in-person event!
Register by emailing or calling 605-225-1847. Registration is free, but there is a suggested donation of $20.