One Voice for Public Policy - A Great Opportunity!

Parental Empowerment/School Choice has been one of few bright spots on the political/cultural horizon thus far in 2023. In contrast to the host of radical, often blatantly anti-Christian proposals that have been introduced, and some advanced, in our Minnesota State Legislature and the Congress, the ground-swell of resistance to the widespread dishonoring of parents is welcome indeed.

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One Voice for Public Policy - Reliable Sources of Information: Pearls of Great Value!

In a culture as politically and philosophically polarized as ours, one of the things to be most highly sought after and most highly prized is reliable sources of information. When I say reliable, I simply mean sources that strive to be truthful and complete in their rendering of the facts AND which are honest regarding the philosophy or ideology through which those facts are filtered, as they inevitably will be.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: Go First! with Resurrection Confidence

“Remember how he told you…” That’s what the angel invites us to do. Easter celebrates how Jesus triumphantly went from death to life. Easter revels in His relentless love, His glorious victory, and His resurrection power. Easter invites us to scream from the rooftops, Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

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