Minnesota 2023: Seared Consciences … Filled with Arrogance … Acting in Haste

In June of 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its Dobbs ruling. In it, the Court reversed its Roe v. Wade decision, declaring there is no right to abortion contained within the U. S. Constitution. Thus, it returned the abortion debate to the individual States. The whole Pro-Life Movement rightly celebrated!

But here in Minnesota, even as we celebrated, we knew that Dobbs really changed the practice of abortion in our state very little. Why?

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One Voice for Public Policy - What Just Happened?

Here it comes: the cascade of analysis in the wake of the passage of the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” (RMA). And that analysis does not disappoint! It is clear and forceful.

The purpose of this edition of “One Voice” is simply to provide you with easy access to a sampling of the commentary that is now flooding in, offering both a description of the bill itself and the likely long-term harms that will be caused by it.

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