Prayers of the Month

Dearest Jesus, our Lord, our Savior, our Friend, our Teacher, and our Example, in three years you trained the disciples for their work and then left them with the uncomfortable power of the Holy Spirit.  Help us and Your missionaries everywhere...

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Prayers of the Month

Heavenly Father, we thank You for all Your goodness to us, and especially at this time when we rejoice in the knowledge of Christ’s victory over death. Help us to understand and appreciate more deeply all that the resurrection means, and may we show in our lives the joy which belief in Christ’s promise brings...

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MSU Students Partner with Crow Lutheran Ministry

This spring, Pastor Darren Scruggs of Hosanna Highlands campus ministry in  Mankato led a group of college students on a leadership development trip to the LCMS Crow Lutheran Ministry in Lodgegrass, MT.  His account of that experience highlights some of the joys and challenges of reaching out across cultures for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

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