The following update, from John and Mariam Gayad, POBLO (People of the Book Lutheran Outreach) missionaries in Rochester, Minnesota, depicts what can happen when Minnesota South District pastors and congregations partner together with missionaries and mission agencies in order to spread the Gospel among new people groups...
King David of Israel was known for his diverse skills both as a warrior and as a writer of psalms. In his 40 years as ruler, between approximately 1010 and 970 B.C., he united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, conquered land, and paved the way for his son, Solomon, to build the temple...
Read MoreThe fire was ours for several hours one night, A gift we had on New Year’s Eve, To gather round its roaring sound and light and talk and listen, laugh, receive...
Read MoreThe Lenten Season is upon us, merciful Lord, and once again we are made aware of the enormity of our sin and guilt that brought You to this earth and nailed You to the cross. This year, as we watch, and listen, and learn...
Read MoreIF the demographic trends in Minnesota continue on their current course… And IF you, as a leader in your congregation, truly desire that your congregation should include people from every race, and tribe, and tongue, as the Bible talks about…
Read MoreAll of the leaders we meet in the Bible were flawed in some way. The one exception was Jesus, the perfect leader, but then He was and is the Son of God. Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Simon Peter, James, John, Paul – they were all flawed. We meet them not only in their strength but also in their inadequacy...
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