Posts in Lucas Woodford
Slaves of righteousness

Paul’s declaration in Romans 6 that we have been set free from slavery to sin is so important. As Christians who’ve been redeemed by Christ, we’re to fight against the impulses of a sinful heart. We are called to confess our sins, fight against ungodly passions, and strive to live as the sanctified people Christ has made us to be—no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: On politics and our baptismal calling

We are all called to live out our baptismal calling even in the midst of stressful political seasons. We rise above hyper-partisanship even as we engage in our civic duties, and we repent when we do give into the vitriol and anger of the political process and sin against others. We lift the entire process in prayer to God, with hope for Him to bring salvation to all people.

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