God works through what happens every day in the congregations of our District and in all of our individual lives. In order to have sustained vitality and hope for vibrant mission and ministry in our troubled and exhilarating times, everything we do should be framed by our love for the Lord, our love for people, and our love for our Lutheran theology.
Read MoreAs summer closes and a new season begins, join me as I reflect on the seasons of the Church year. They bring order amidst the chaos of our lives, reminding us continually to rejoice in the life Jesus has given to us. You are not alone in the life that you live. Christ goes with you even as you go with Christ.
Read MoreMN South District (LCMS) President, Rev. Dr. Lucas V. Woodford, shares his vision statement for the District. Let all we do be framed by the following three-fold priority: love the Lord, love people, and love our Lutheran theology. President Woodford shares a brief summary of what each of these priorities means, and then expands on their biblical foundation with an exposition of the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.
Read MoreIt is not by our own reason or strength that we come to a saving faith—as the explanation of the Third Article in the Small Catechism so boldly states. It is only by the Helper—the Holy Spirit—that we are reborn to faith through baptism and the Gospel. By grace alone, we rest on the reason and strength of Christ alone.
Read MoreTruth is being eroded in our culture. This month, let’s look at why it can be so hard to nail down the truth today—and How the Holy Spirit speaks truth to us every day.
Read MoreTake a look with me at the two disciples who met Jesus on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. They had questions about the resurrection—and Jesus came and answered them Himself. What questions are you yearning for Jesus to answer as you walk your own road of life? The Holy Spirit goes with us through all the smooth and rough roads, even until we walk with Him on the road of everlasting life.
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