Minnesota South District, LCMS

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To All Generations Appeal Launches

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, from its very beginning, has always been a teaching church. Christian schools, Sunday schools, confirmation classes, youth and adult Bible studies, universities and seminaries are in our DNA. In our corner of the kingdom it can truly be said that the mission of Christ is a teaching mission.

To strengthen our participation in the teaching mission of Christ, the Minnesota South District through its 2015 convention and Board of Directors has authorized the To All Generations appeal. Its theme verse says it so well: “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts” (Psalm 145:4). The saving gospel of Jesus Christ is for all people of all generations, and in every generation teaching from the Word of God had led to faith and life for eternity. 

We invite you get acquainted with the exciting initiatives of the To All Generations appeal as we provide materials to your leaders and congregations. As God blesses this special appeal, we in the Minnesota South District will better reach the hearts of those inside the church and out as we share Jesus’ love and forgiveness. We know that a gift to this campaign is a gift to all generations and invite you to join us.