Minnesota South District, LCMS

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One Voice for Public Policy - What Just Happened?

Here it comes: the cascade of analysis in the wake of the passage of the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” (RMA). And that analysis does not disappoint! It is clear and forceful.

The purpose of this edition of “One Voice” is simply to provide you with easy access to a sampling of the commentary that is now flooding in, offering both a description of the bill itself and the likely long-term harms that will be caused by it.

In my estimation, the passage of this tragic legislation is one of the clearest examples, yet, of the degree of dissolution that our culture is now experiencing, as well as the degree of militancy now aimed at anyone holding a Christian worldview. It is also a reminder of the urgent calling the Church has to boldly proclaim the full counsel of God’s Word, emphasizing, in particular, the wonder and goodness of God’s design for His world, especially in its social dimensions.

While the Church has a limited ability to directly impact the political course of specific pieces of legislation like the RMA, it has great opportunity and ability to influence people’s opinion of such legislation by clearly teaching about the beautiful design which God has incorporated into His creation – a design which we violate to the great detriment of both our personal and societal flourishing. Indeed, it is legislation which I believe will significantly impair the proclamation of the Gospel.

With those brief introductory thoughts, here are what I believe to be some of the best of the analyses to date:

1)     “The Respect for Marriage Act Doesn’t Respect Marriage or Children”
Stonestreet / Padgett / Peterson; The Colson Center “Break Point,” 12/1/22

 Here you’ll find a simple presentation of what the RMA is and its negative impact of families and children in particular.

2)     “If Senators Care About Their Constituents’ Religious Freedom, They Must Amend the Anti-Marriage Bill”  Rev. Jonathan Lange, The Federalist,  11/28/2022

In this article Rev. Lange (LCMS) clearly and concisely identifies the primary harms that are inflicted by the RMA.

3)     “Dear GOP: Wage War Against the Lies of Same-Sex Marriage. Stop begging for religious Liberty Carve-outs”  Mainwaring,  Lifesite News,  12/1/2022

This article contends that it is more appropriate to focus our energies less on establishing legal “carve-outs,” and more on making a full-throated case for marriage based on simple facts of God’s design in creation.

4)     A Statement: “The Passage of the “Respect for Marriage Act”  Seltz,  Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, 12/1/2022

This analysis comes from our own Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty and is written by its director, Rev. Gregory Seltz. In it he argues for the irreplaceable nature of the “social trinity” of Father-Mother-Child which is undermined by the RMA.

5)     Senator Lummis’ Marriage Vote and the Collapse of Christian Courage”  Suzanne Bowdey, The Washington Stand, 12/1/2022

Here, the author explains the decision of some “conservative” lawmakers who voted for the RMA. She examines how a lack of Christian courage and confusion over the meaning of “tolerance” has given unprecedented legal weapons to be used against those holding a Biblical view of marriage.

6)     “Western Liberalism Is Doomed Without A Shared Understanding Of Reality”  Josh Herring, The Federalist, 11/29/2022

This piece helpfully sets the passage of the RMA in a broader context. It offers an explanation as to why our current political and cultural contenders seem unable to find enough common ground to engage in any kind of sustained conversation or respectful governance.

I hope you find these various reflections helpful, as you try to grasp the nature and impact of this latest cultural/religious battle over the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

In Christ,
Rev. Fredric Hinz
Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota Districts, LCMS