Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Prayers of the Month

O God of all the nations upon earth, show us how to use our country for the benefit of mankind.  Make our hearts to be sound in love and truth.  Guide those who frame our laws.  Teach us how to integrate into our society people from other lands.  And may no difficulty blind us to the value of every human being, created by You, and someone for whom Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, bled and died.  In His Name we pray.  Amen.

Eternal God, You who have formed the universe and breathed life into all humankind; call out from Your Church men and women to serve You in the world.  Equip them with the gifts of Your Holy Spirit and entrust to them the great task of bringing new life to the deadness which surrounds us; may there be a new creation in the hearts of all who turn to Your Son in repentance and faith.  It is in His Name, O God, that we bring our prayer.  Amen.

Heavenly Father, help us to be willing to learn more about the world’s religions, so that we may understand our differences and share our common convictions, and go forward in faith to learn more of the truth as it is revealed in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

For a complete listing of monthly prayer requests, please click here.

These prayers as also available through e-mail subscription. To subscribe, email gae.ash@mnsdistrict.org and put "Mission Prayer Subscription" in the subject line.