Minnesota South District, LCMS

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LINC-Twin Cites Invites Prayer for the Cities

By Stephanie Hofhenke, LINC-TC Communications Administrator.

On the evening of Thursday, February 7th, over ninety believers from the Twin Cities gathered at Trinity First in Minneapolis to “Pray for the Cities.”  The event, sponsored by LINC-Twin Cities, was the first step in an intentional season of prayer as we contemplate the path God is laying before us. 

We began the evening with a community meal. A meal is offered on every Thursday evening for the community surrounding Trinity First, but on this night LCMS members from all around the cities shared in the tradition.  We dinned side by side with the community members, stories and experiences were shared, and connections were made. 

LINC-Twin Cities mission is to equip Christians to live in relationship with their communities, partnering with their communities toward their holistic development. What better way to perpetuate this mission than in simple and humble prayer, side by side with the community, giving praise and thanksgiving to the Author and Perfector of Faith, Jesus Christ? 

Kurtis Smith of  the Trinity First Mission center led prayer on the topics of: Praise, Confession, Grace & Forgiveness, All Good Things, Unity, The City, and Blessing.  The tranquil atmosphere in Trinity First’s Sanctuary was accompanied by scripture readings from community members, prayer and praise.  One of the participants shared afterwards, “What a beautiful and inspiring event last night. I am sure that most of us felt God speaking and the Holy Spirit giving us a push in the right direction. It was just what we needed.”

On Thursday, May 2nd, at 7:00 p.m., at Trinity First we will gather in prayer again.   On the evening of the National Day of Prayer we will pray together, share the leadings we’ve received over the previous weeks, and praise God for His work in the City. Visit our website at www.linctwincities.org or call (651) 270-4600 for more information or to register.

Lutheran Inter-City Network Coalition (LINC) – Twin Cities, is a mission partner with The Minnesota South District, helping urban congregations reach their communities by learning about their communities, praying for their communities, and engaging in mission with their community.