MSU Students Partner with Crow Lutheran Ministry

This spring, Pastor Darren Scruggs of Hosanna Highlands campus ministry in  Mankato led a group of college students on a leadership development trip to the LCMS Crow Lutheran Ministry in Lodgegrass, MT.  His account of that experience highlights some of the joys and challenges of reaching out across cultures for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...

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POBLO Volunteer Highlight

Hi, I'm Paula Muth, and I'm a recently retired technical writer from IBM. I was intrigued when I heard about the possibility of teaching English to immigrants through the POBLO ministry. It was a leap of faith to volunteer to teach immigrants...

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MNS DistrictPOBLOComment
Prayers of the Month

Living Lord and traveller in the way of men, our trailblazer into eternity, ignite in our hearts the passionate fire of heaven; burn from our minds the cancer of selfish and self-centered thought. Compel us by Your great love to imitate Your love, and embolden us to share Your truth at all times and in all ways, bringing glory to your Name, both now and forever...

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