Ash Wednesday 2022 Pastor Greetings

Dear Brothers in Christ,

Ash Wednesday greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Today we begin our Lenten journey together as we follow our Lord to His cross and suffering. The attached video is a personal word of encouragement to you amid all the challenges pressing down upon you. It’s meant to offer some divine confidence during the flurry of increased activity this most holy season.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Cor. 1: 18)

Words are an essential part of life. They shape our communication with one another. In fact, words are a fascinating occurrence. You can write, speak, whisper, sing, and shout them. Words communicate. They tell stories. They travel over phones, through TV’s, and speed through emails. Words are powerful. They inspire hope and hurt feelings. They make us feel good and tear us down.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: The Book of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham

Biblical genealogies are a curious thing. All those difficult names to say and the endless list of generations all make for some stellar reading. What better way can you think of than spending your time reading an endless list of names? Truth be told, most of us don’t much care for reading genealogies unless we need some good bedtime reading to put us to sleep. In other words, they are boring!

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Attending the Political Caucuses: After Voting, It's One of the More Important Things You Do as a Citizen

Next week, on Tuesday, February 1st, the political parties in Minnesota will hold their caucuses. What is a caucus, you ask? Well, it is simply the first step in “We the People,” expressing our thoughts as to how our State and our Nation should be run in the coming years. It is the “closest-to-home” opportunity you will have for giving input in how government will operate in the next two years and beyond.

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Moving the Pro-Life Issue Back to Center Stage!

In a culture where constant conflict and its resulting chaos have become the norm, the various societal issues to which the Church addresses itself (abortion, assisted suicide, marriage/family/sexuality, and religious liberty) seem to move in and out of the spotlight … in and out of the news cycle … in and out of our consciousness. Despite the fact each of them are of critical importance, the reality is most of us really aren’t capable of maintaining an intense focus on more than one of these issues at a time.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." Luke 2: 46-47

What was it like to be pregnant with the Son of God? Have you ever considered what it was like for Mary? Being a male, I don’t have the privilege or the joy of experiencing pregnancy. Those of you who are mothers have a bond with one another that is greater than anything we males can lay claim to. Carrying life within your own body is an amazing miracle of creation.

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