Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: On politics and our baptismal calling

We are all called to live out our baptismal calling even in the midst of stressful political seasons. We rise above hyper-partisanship even as we engage in our civic duties, and we repent when we do give into the vitriol and anger of the political process and sin against others. We lift the entire process in prayer to God, with hope for Him to bring salvation to all people.

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Talking Points with Pastor Lucas: Hope is here

Easter this year was different from any other we’ve experienced because of our pandemic context. But Jesus is the same. He brings hope and life amidst the chaos and disorder of our time. Jesus comes and stares it all in the face with us as the way, the truth, and the life. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He is the great savior of great sinners, a fear-eater and a death-defeater. He fights for you.

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