Lydia: Persuasive

In Paul’s day it was necessary to have at least ten Jewish men to have a synagogue. They must have fell short in Philippi. So a small group of women found themselves holding prayer services outdoors by the river outside the city gate. One of them, Lydia, a Gentile who had been drawn to the Jewish faith...

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Prayers of the Month

O God of all the nations upon earth, show us how to use our country for the benefit of mankind.  Make our hearts to be sound in love and truth.  Guide those who frame our laws.  Teach us how to integrate into our society people from other lands...

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PrayersMNS DistrictComment
Prayers of the Month

O living Lord and Savior, bless all who will be going to school this fall.  Watch over them every day of their lives, protect them from danger, help them in difficulty, and encourage them in all they are assigned to do...

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