Minnesota South District, LCMS

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One Voice for Public Policy: URGENT! A Time to Act!

As you are well aware, here in Minnesota the DFL is in control of both legislative branches and the governor’s office. With that “political trifecta,” they have already enacted a long list of radical progressive policies into law. However, laws can be changed in relatively easy fashion when there is a change in political control. Therefore, they are currently attempting to embed these policies into our Minnesota State Constitution which will be much more difficult to reverse.

Specifically, the DFL is trying to pass legislation that would place a (misnamed) “Equal Rights Amendment” on the ballot in 2026. It would constitutionalize abortion up to birth as well as a variety of perverse sexual ideologies. Worse yet, there are no religious exemptions included in the bill language.

In order to oppose this ERA legislation, a rally is being held this Wednesday, May 8 at 3:00 pm at the Minnesota State Capitol Rotunda in St. Paul (75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155). Persons of all religious convictions are being urged to attend in order to express their deep disagreement with this clear attack on religious freedom in our state. It will be a time to be informed about the harms it will cause, to learn about the process involved and to prayerfully express our unified opposition.

Click here to learn more about the ERA Amendment content (SF37) and the process needed to adopt it. It is an infographic compiled by our friends at the MN Catholic Conference.   

Click here to get more detailed information about the rally itself and to register for it.

Friends, if the DFL caucus in the House passes this legislation authorizing the placement of the amendment on the 2026 ballot, it will be very difficult to defeat it as our state will be flooded with outside dollars pushing its passage. So, NOW is the time to act!! Despite the short notice, please plan to come to the Minnesota State Capitol on Wednesday at 3:00 pm and bring as many of your friends and acquaintances as possible. Pastors, please inform your congregation members.

And, of course, be in prayer, asking our Lord to prevent this evil from being visited on our state.

In Christ,

Rev. Fred Hinz
Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota South and North Districts
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod