Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Minnesota 2023: Seared Consciences … Filled with Arrogance … Acting in Haste

Dear Friends,

In June of 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its Dobbs ruling. In it, the Court reversed its Roe v. Wade decision, declaring there is no right to abortion contained within the U. S. Constitution. Thus, it returned the abortion debate to the individual States. The whole Pro-Life Movement rightly celebrated!

But here in Minnesota, even as we celebrated, we knew that Dobbs really changed the practice of abortion in our state very little. Why? Because in a 1995 court case (Doe v. Gomez), our Minnesota State Supreme Court discovered a right to abortion within our Minnesota State Constitution. Consequently, without the Court overturning its own Doe v. Gomez decision or without the passage of a constitutional amendment to that effect, it was clear the practice of abortion would continue unabated here in Minnesota. As tragic as that was, we took some comfort in the fact that the abortion landscape here was not as radical as in some other states, such as New York or California. Indeed, it seemed likely this would remain the case because of the politically divided nature of Minnesota State government, with the Republicans narrowly controlling the State Senate and the Democrats narrowly controlling the State House, as well as the Governor’s office. Sadly, this circumstance abruptly changed as a result of the November 2022 elections, as one Senate seat changed hands from Republican to Democrat. This gave the Democrats a one vote majority.  Though a seemingly small change in representation, we now see what a radical change in attitude and agenda it has ushered in. In essence, it has given free rein to the most extreme elements of the party in power to pursue their agenda with a ruthlessness difficult to comprehend.

With mind-boggling speed and in complete political lock-step, the majority party has proceeded to pass into law the most extreme abortion legislation in the nation – the Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act. With its passage, abortion has now been declared to be a fundamental right in Minnesota. In practical terms, this means unborn children can now be aborted at any time, for any reason, right up to the moment of birth. Having bowed to the god of personal autonomy and having abandoned any acknowledgment that a large majority of Minnesotans reject such a radical abortion policy, there are now no limits to the abortion license in the State of Minnesota.

In addition, other pieces of legislation have been introduced, notably HF91, which would wipe away a wide range of previously enacted abortion safeguards and reporting requirements. For example, HF91 will eliminate parental consent or notification for minors both for abortion and sterilization. It will allow non-doctors to perform late-term abortions in non-hospital settings and remove protections for babies who have survived an abortion procedure and are born alive. It will increase the amount of taxpayer dollars dedicated to funding abortion and will prevent Pregnancy Resource Centers from receiving State grants, making those funds available only to abortion-friendly organizations. In addition, it will open pathways for abortion doctors who have lost their medical license in other states to practice here in Minnesota. And even this is not an exhaustive list.  In essence, with this legislation, we are witnessing a display of raw political power not previously seen in our State, as seared and arrogant consciences advance a culture of death while ignoring fundamental Scriptural truths: “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Ps. 139: 13-14.     

So, how are we to respond to such a tragic situation? The temptation is, of course, to give in to despair and retreat in silence. But such is not the calling God has given to His baptized children. Indeed, we are called on to remain faithful in spite of temporal circumstances and to actively employ our citizenship in showing love for our neighbors and doing all in our power to protect them, especially our youngest and most vulnerable neighbors still in the womb. This we do by voicing our strenuous objections to these sinful and morally bankrupt proposals. Indeed, it is our calling to reach out, by phone, email or in person, to our own State Representatives and Senators, urging them to reject such radical proposals as HF91 /SF70. This is especially true if you live in a legislative district represented by a person from the Democrat Party.  That said, it is also important we continue to offer our encouragement to those legislators who are opposing these bills. Indeed, the time for action is now! Click on the following links to find contact information for your elected officials and urge them to vote against HF91 in the House and SF70 in the Senate.

In addition to taking action as individuals, it is also important we show our love and concern for unborn children and their mothers by acting collectively. Such collective action can and should start close to home and might include establishing a congregational life team. Help to do so is available either through Lutherans for Life (contact Virginia Flo at vflo@lutheransforlife.org)  or through your District Life Coordinator, Rev. James Kroonblawd.  Your congregational response might also include reaching out to a Pregnancy Resource Center in your local community, offering to partner with them in advocating for life. And finally, you and your congregation might consider coming to the Minnesota Capitol on Tuesday, February 28 at 10:00 am for a “United for Life Rally and Day of Advocacy”!!   Even if you have never participated in such a public event before, this is the time to throw off old hesitancies and join with other faithful Christians from many denominations across the State in making your Christian, pro-life views known to your legislators and to the State as a whole!! To get more specific information about this event, please click here.

In the wake of such a display of inhumanity and political arrogance (the PRO Act), and with the prospect of more extreme legislation to come (i.e. HF91 / SF70; HF16; HF146), it is easy to become disheartened.  But, of course, we know it is God who is ultimately in control. And so, above all, we go to Him in prayer, asking Him to intervene and spare us and our neighbors from these sorts of godless actions. We go to Him in prayer, asking Him to give us the courage to stand strong in this time of testing. We go to Him in prayer, asking for the winsome words and the Godly wisdom that will help us win over hearts and minds to the cause of life. And, indeed, we are confident that He will do so.

In Christ,

Rev. Fredric Hinz
Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota South & North Districts
The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod