Minnesota South District, LCMS

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One Voice for Public Policy - The Coming Election: What's at Stake?

Friends in Christ,

With less than four weeks until the election, we can all anticipate a steady diet of political ads trying to draw our attention toward some issues and away from others, depending, of course, on what politicians judge to be most advantageous to their cause. Given that dynamic, I’d like to offer brief reflections on a few specific issues Christian voters should pay special attention to as they prepare to cast their vote. The Church, of course, has no particular expertise, and takes no stand, on a majority of issues that are dealt with in the political sphere. But, it does speak to some, including those dealing with life issues (abortion and physician assisted suicide), marriage/family, religious liberty, and parental rights. The Church speaks to these issues because Scripture speaks to them in clear and unambiguous ways.

As it stands now, the following are some of those specific issues that will be directly impacted by the outcome of November’s election.

On the federal level:

1) Concerning the Redefinition of Marriage – Though, sadly, the Courts have previously redefined marriage to include same-sex couples and are now actively contemplating the legalization of polyamory (marriages of more than two persons), these changes have not all been incorporated into federal statute, that is, through legislative action. Depending on the outcome of November’s election, the effort to embed these unbiblical changes into federal law will either be squelched or propelled forward (largely through the deceptively named “Respect for Marriage Act”). Therefore, I urge you to know where the candidates stand on this specific piece of legislation and to withhold support from those who would advocate for it, especially those candidates running for the U. S. House of Representatives.

On the State level:

 2) There is currently an effort to radically change the Minnesota State Standards that govern teacher licensure. If these proposed changes are finalized in their current form, every teacher wishing to be licensed by the State will be pressured to incorporate various disturbing concepts in their teaching. These concepts fall under the general heading of Critical Race Theory … though that specific terminology may not be used in these standards. These various elements are not appropriate for K-12 classrooms as they are clearly forms of political indoctrination and, in some cases, reflect anti-Christian doctrines. If you are unfamiliar with these proposed changes, I would direct you to the 2022 Lutheran Voter Information Guide recently released by our District’s Public Policy Committee. It can be accessed on the District website or on the website of the Minnesota Child Protection League (https://cplaction.com). Again, I would encourage you to inform yourself of where candidates stand on this issue.

3) One of the more disturbing trends of recent years has been the tendency of the State to regard itself as the primary authority in the life of children rather than their parents. This tendency surfaces most frequently in K-12 educational settings. More specifically, the State frequently asserts it has the right to a) dissuade parents from choosing a religiously grounded education for their children by denying them the same funding offered to parents who choose a non-religious education, b) provide forms of pro-abortion advocacy and access without parental knowledge or consent, and c) provide gender transition counseling to students without parental knowledge or consent. The outcome of this election will be crucial in determining whether these and other encroachments on parental rights will be allowed to continue and perhaps intensify.

4) With the recent Dobbs ruling by the U. S. Supreme Court, the issue of abortion has now been largely returned to the states. Unfortunately, in Minnesota this has not meant the end of legal abortions. Quite the opposite, Minnesota is now becoming a “mecca” for those seeking abortions from other states where it is now restricted or banned. It is, therefore, more important than ever to elect legislators and a governor that will stand up for the life of the unborn, who like us, are made in the image and likeness of God.

These, of course, are not the only important matters at stake in this coming election. It is my hope and prayer, however, that you will use whatever opportunities God gives you to lift up these particular issues in your congregation, as well as among your friends and acquaintances. It has, of course, become cliché’ to say this may be one of the most consequential elections ever. But, in view of the truly radical new views being actively and coercively promoted in recent years, I believe this is, indeed, just such a crucial election.  God grant each of us will not only cast our vote in a God-pleasing way, but we might also serve as His instrument to influence others in a way that will bring honor and glory to God and serve the needs of our neighbor.


Rev. Fredric Hinz
Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota Districts, LCMS