Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Public policy update: Take a stand for life

As you well know, the LCMS has for many years spoken out publicly about life issues in general, and abortion in particular. In more recent years, our Synod’s focus has expanded to include an active opposition to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia (PAS/E). Several years ago, that led our Minnesota North and South Districts to join with other like-minded organizations in forming a new coalition, the Minnesota Alliance for Ethical Healthcare.

This coalition is dedicated to opposing the legalization of PAS/E and to helping improve palliative (pain management) care here in Minnesota. It consists of church bodies (primarily Lutheran and Catholic), elder care organizations, disability rights groups, and various professional medical organizations. Currently, 60 organizations have formally affiliated themselves with EthicalCareMN, and we are hoping to increase that number to 100 by the end of 2021.

Thus far, this coalition has been very successful in its efforts in large part due to the number and variety of its supporting organizations. It is the kind of strong coalition which quickly and effectively conveys to our elected leaders two key items:

  1. The depth and breadth of the opposition that exists among the people of Minnesota to life-threatening PAS/E proposals

  2. The high degree of support there is for better and more accessible palliative care

Recently, EthicalCareMN has also begun to solicit the formal endorsement of individual congregations. It is in that regard that I’m writing, namely, to encourage each congregation in the Minnesota South and North Districts to consider raising this issue among its members and adding its name to the list of Faith Community Partners. 

Even though no new states legalized PAS/E in 2020 (largely due to the preoccupation of state legislatures with the COVID-19 pandemic), we know that advocates for PAS/E have been very active in preparing their deadly proposals for introduction into many state legislative agendas (including Minnesota) during the 2021 legislative session—which has just begun. This, of course, adds urgency to our efforts!

No doubt, you and many members of your congregation will have questions regarding this issue and what obligations, if any, there may be in placing your congregation’s name on such a list. To answer these questions, we have an infographic and many other resources that will provide the kinds of basic information needed to make such a decision. In addition, speakers from the District and Lutherans for Life will be available to speak to your congregation on the topic, especially as COVID-19 restrictions loosen.

And so, if you are interested in exploring this avenue of service to your neighbor and perhaps lending your congregational voice to the chorus of those opposing this latest manifestation of “the culture of death” (and we hope many of you will), please contact me, Rev. Fred Hinz, the LCMS Public Policy Advocate in Minnesota (fred.hinz@mnsdistrict.org; 507-317-9634). You may also reach out to Virginia Flo, Regional Director for Lutherans for Life (vflo@lutheransforlife.org; 651-333-0337).

And again, make sure to check out the coalition website at ethicalcaremn.org.

At this time of great national turmoil, I cannot think of a better way to demonstrate the love of Christ to our neighbors than by standing up for the sanctity of life and against the encroachment of a seductive philosophy which advocates “death as the way to solve the problems of life.”


God’s blessings to you as you interact with your friends and neighbors concerning public matters on behalf of the Gospel.

In Christ,

Rev. Hinz

Rev. Fredric Hinz
LCMS Public Policy Advocate
Minnesota South and North Districts
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod