Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Prison Ministry Course

The Minnesota South District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Concordia University Department of Criminal Justice offer this course:

An Introduction to Correctional Ministry

This course is free! No prerequisites are involved. Lay people, pastors, and leaders from all denominations are welcome

(Course credit is also possible, but for a fee.)

Jim Seemann, Ph.D. will provide a general overview of strategies to help those who are incarcerated as they find reconciliation and redemption within the context of the Christian Gospel, and to mentor and provide support for those who come to faith. A diverse group of preachers, missionaries, and former prisoners will serve as guest speakers on a number of topics which are sure to challenge and to provide fresh perspectives to this age-old problem. 

The course text will be supplied for free. Online learning is also available.

Classes will meet for six Tuesday nights from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in Luther Hall Classroom 111 starting on September 11.

Interested? R.S.V.P. seemann@csp.edu