Minnesota South District, LCMS

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December 2017 To All Generations Update

First To All Generations Grants Awarded

The To All Generations appeal was started to enhance the quality of Christian education in our schools and congregations. In October, the first round of grant applications were submitted, and three were approved by the Schools and Commissioned Ministers Committee based on criteria approved by the District Board of Directors.

1. NW Metro New Lutheran High School Initiative

There is currently no LCMS high school in the northwest corner of the Twin Cities metro. Rev. Tim and Kelly Lamkin (Shepherd of the Grove, Maple Grove) want to determine if it is feasible to start a new Lutheran high school that would serve 50-150 students. The study would include a look at congregational support, community demographics, and possible locations for this new plant.

2. Winona Area Marketing Collaboration

Hope Lutheran High School, St. Martin’s Lutheran School, and Immanuel Lutheran School (Silo) are collaborating to advertise their education ministries through a variety of local and online media.

3. Kingdom Kids Learning Center, Ham Lake

This early childhood center was opened in the Fall of 2017. The grant will be used to market this new center to a community that is increasingly unchurched and has relatively few Christian early childhood options.

The next deadline for To All Generations grant proposals is April 9, 2018. Grant application windows will continue every 6 months until all To All Generations funds are expended. More information about these grants can be found at mnsdistrict.org/tag-grants.

Lutheran Schools Marketing Think Tank

On Thursday, March 1, 2018, we will be hosting a think tank geared toward marketing our Lutheran schools and education ministries. Join leaders from across the district to share ideas and collaborate on sharing the story of our ministries.