Minnesota South District, LCMS

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2015-2016 Circuit Visits Pre-Survey

Each triennium, district staff members visit a gathering of each circuit that includes pastors, commissioned workers and lay leaders. The purpose of these gatherings is to listen to what joys, challenges, and opportunities lay before our congregations and workers. During last triennium's visits, the most prominent issues that were identified included, but were not limited to, aging membership, declining worship attendance, and financial stresses.

To help address these issues, and to further the conversation at the upcoming circuit gatherings, we have created a confidential survey to find out more about these concerns. The results of the survey will be shared at the upcoming circuit gatherings.

This survey is open to all members of LCMS churches in the Minnesota South District. Please share the link below and take the survey yourself. We would like as many responses as possible so that we can serve you more effectively as we visit your circuit. The survey closes on Monday, November 9.

The survey can be taken at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/mns2015.