Minnesota South District, LCMS

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Prayers of the Month

Father in Heaven, whose will it is that all people should worship You in the fellowship of the Church, and serve You in the life of the world; send down upon our nation a true spirit of repentance for the sinfulness which passes for broadmindedness, the apathy which calls itself tolerance, the materialism which glories in its prosperity and grasps for more.  And with this sorrow, O Lord God, let faith and obedience go hand in hand, that our lives and the lives of all may be transformed, that integrity and godliness may characterize our country, to Your praise and honor, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we pray for our President and his cabinet, the members of Congress, and all in authority: that they may govern our country with wisdom and understanding, and for the good of Your Church and people everywhere, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Guide and direct, O Lord, the minds of all who work for the health and vitality of our church.  Restore our faith and vision.  Renew our energies and love.  Revive Your people to new life and commitment and service.  So may we live and speak for Christ before the world He came to save, for His name’s sake.  Amen.

For a complete listing of monthly prayer requests, please click here.

These prayers as also available through e-mail subscription. To subscribe, email gae.ash@mnsdistrict.org and put "Mission Prayer Subscription" in the subject line.